Why you should hire a lawyer after a traffic collision

There is a chance that you can be in a traffic collision at some point. If you sustain injuries due to the negligence of the other driver, you deserve compensation to cover medical expenses, loss of wages, and many more. However, insurance companies are there to make profits. Their goal is to make money, so they can’t make enough money if they pay you. This is why they can do anything to make sure they don’t pay you. 

An insurance adjuster can behave like they are your friend, but they intend to pay less money so that they can keep the rest for themselves. The truth is that some insurance adjusters can receive more money if they pay accident victims less money. Many people don’t know the tactics that insurance companies utilize to trick you into accepting an unfair settlement. But some car accident attorneys are aware of these tactics. Therefore, it’s a good idea to get a Brockton Car Accident Lawyer to help you get a maximum settlement. This article discusses why you should hire a lawyer after a traffic collision.

An attorney can maximize your compensation

If you have incurred property damage or were injured in a traffic collision, you may have lost wages, medical expenses, and other expenses. In most cases, these expenses can continue piling long after the traffic collision. There is good evidence indicating that traffic collision victims who secure an attorney can receive a higher amount of money as compensation than the victims without legal representation. 

Traffic collision victims with legal representation can sometimes receive settlements that are at least 3.5 times. This is because car accident lawyers know the tricks that some insurance companies utilize for the parties at fault. 

Therefore, they can help you negotiate and fight the insurance companies that want to offer lower settlements. Sometimes, some insurance adjusters can tell you that you don’t need legal representation. This is part of their tactics to help the insurance company pay a lower compensation.  

The losses that you can incur immediately after a traffic collision can sometimes be unclear. You need to get a car accident attorney with the right experience to help you figure out the potential future expenses so that you can have them in your claim.  

Some minor injuries can become bigger issues attracting ongoing medical expenses. The effects of either major or minor injuries from a traffic collision can have far-reaching costs. These costs can even go beyond the common medical expenses that you may not consider if you don’t have legal representation. 

Traffic collision victims tend to underestimate these costs and how long they can continue incurring them. This leads to an unfair settlement that fails to cover the expenses your family has to bear after the traffic collision. 

A legal mistake can affect your settlement

Many traffic collision claims are usually settled out of court. Therefore, some car accident victims believe that they just need to negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurance company, and there is no need to apply the relevant law. However, this is not true and it can lead to lost claims and lower settlements. 

You can have a weaker negotiation position if you have a weaker legal claim in a traffic collision. The insurance company of the party at fault also knows it, so it’s a good idea to have someone who is familiar with the law. 

Other legal issues can affect your compensation besides the key issues needed to prove who is to blame in a traffic collision. You can lose a claim if you don’t file it within the period of the statute of limitations for that state and type of claim. It can be a complex legal issue to file a claim in your state. This can depend on the type of damage, where the traffic collision occurred, and the residents of the people involved in the traffic collision. 

Choosing where to file your car accident claim can affect the deadline, the amount of compensation, and the process, which can vary depending on the state where you intend to file a claim. Some states have the comparative negligence rule, meaning your compensation can be reduced if you are at fault for the traffic collision. 

There is a good chance that you cannot receive compensation if you are considered to be 50 percent at fault. In such cases, you need to get an attorney to help you consider all these factors and improve your claim and negotiation position. 

Benefits to speaking with attorneys

Any good car accident attorney can provide a free initial consultation through the phone or in-person to evaluate your case. An attorney can let you explain your story and recommend whether or not you need to have an attorney handle your case. They can also know how a lawyer can assist you and how they want to be paid.

Many car accident attorneys usually offer a contingency plan of payment. This means you can only pay the attorney’s fees out of any settlement or compensation that you get. 

Remember that you don’t have to pay any fee for this initial consultation. Even better, you should not make any commitments to hire a lawyer. This is a good chance for you to discover if you should have an attorney after a traffic collision. Also, an attorney can explain how they will deal with your case, and you can determine if they are the right fit for you. 

A claim is against the insurance company

When you decide to file a claim in a traffic collision case, you will be fighting against the insurance company of the party at fault and not an individual driver. These insurers are large companies that deal with these claims regularly. Some traffic collision victims tend to think that they may be causing an expense or distress to the other driver regardless of whether or not that driver caused the traffic collision.

However, many drivers have auto insurance, so you will be dealing with their insurance companies. Insurance companies usually have significant resources that include forensic and medical experts as well as attorneys. All these professionals focus on reducing the pay-out money for your traffic collision claim.

This is why you need a car accident attorney from the Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan with the right experience to assist you to be in a better position when dealing with an insurance company. A good attorney can be aware of the tactics that insurers utilize to lower the compensation paid out to traffic collision victims. An attorney can also handle emails, phone calls, and paperwork associated with an insurance claim. This frees you up so that you can concentrate on recovering from the traffic collision. 

Timing is crucial in a traffic collision case

After a traffic collision, you can experience many unexpected things that you need to deal with besides taking care of your emotional distress and physical injuries. To make matters worse, it can also take a while for you to heal properly and handle the necessary paperwork and phone calls.

While you may be dealing with all these things, the at-fault party’s insurance company will be working to lower its liability in your traffic collision claim. The right steps after a traffic collision are usually routine to the insurer. They also have the resources and experience to minimize your claim. You need to get a car accident attorney who knows the process after a traffic collision and the tricks of insurance companies.  

A good attorney can assist you to fight large insurance companies. It’s a good idea to contact an attorney immediately after the traffic collision so that they can build a strong case on your behalf. You should always speak with an attorney before talking to the at-fault party’s insurance company. This is especially true if you sustain severe physical injuries. Your attorney can make the first call to the insurance company about your traffic collision.

Every state has a statute of limitations which are deadlines for filing a lawsuit after a traffic collision. Quite often, the relevant deadline is related to personal injury claims, which can be two years from the date of the traffic collision, though it depends on the state where you want to file a lawsuit. 

This deadline can also depend on the type of your injuries and the circumstances of the traffic collision. When this deadline elapses, you cannot file a lawsuit for any loss or injuries due to the traffic collision. Therefore, it’s important to get legal advice immediately after the traffic collision.

In conclusion, it’s always a good idea to contact a car accident attorney immediately after a car accident, especially if you sustained severe injuries or even property damage. An attorney can advise you on the right way to handle your claim. A good lawyer can also navigate various legal and administrative obstacles that you may face to receive fair compensation after a traffic collision. The good thing is that there are many reputable law firms out there with good car accident attorneys.
