Is Shopping For Engagement Rings A Stressful Task?

Engagements are undoubtedly one of the most cherished and oldest traditions amongst cultures where a couple officially announces about their plan to marry each other. It has been a very valued and beloved custom of our society. By the society and families of the couple, this commitment is considered to be an important one and it is symbolized openly and publicly through the exchange of gifts and having all members at lunch or dinner. All the friends, close family members, relatives are invited to attend the ceremony.

As engagement is a public announcement, there has been a decline over the last few years in the number of ceremonies. Its kept as a confidential and secret affair between the families until they announce or invite people for marriage. People tend to propose their loved ones on special occasions without making it a big or fancy statement. Some women plan to propose too but it’s mostly men who are quick to propose and share their feelings. And they definitely find it quite overwhelming and stressful to do it.

If you are anxious about getting the right kind of ring for your loved one or if some other things are bothering you, then keep reading this article as we have a few useful tips in it.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Rejection 

A woman who would truly love you will definitely love any kind of ring you fit into her finger. The fear of rejection comes when you are afraid of how she feels about you. If she is your best friend and you think you know her really well, then you should definitely go for the move. But if you are unsure about how she will respond, then you should wait for the hints or drop some hints yourself.

This is certainly the best way to let your partner know about your feelings. Don’t tell them that you are planning to propose anytime soon, keep it a surprise. But at least you’ll know what they have in their minds.

Don’t Compare Your Intentions 

An engagement ring is obviously the most valued piece of jewelry in one’s life. But comparing it with other rings of your hand or the ring of your friend’s fiance is just not the correct thing to do. It is true that people will comment on it and all your friends and family members would love to see it, but make sure to stand out among the crowd with the love and bonding you share with your partner. Don’t compare your deepest and truest feelings just with a ring.

Get The Right Size

Planning to propose surprisingly is quite a difficult task. The challenge you might face is getting to know your partner’s correct ring size. Make sure to get any ring they wear from their collection to get an idea of ring size or ask one of her close and trusted friends. Check out the great and valued collection of rings from Nelson Coleman Jewelers. They have an exceptional variety and various style choices that make for memorable engage rings.
