Everything You Want To Know About Pickleball – America’s Fastest Growing Sport

Pickleball is a fast-paced game that proves to be quite fun and competitive. However, to understand it, you need to know what it is. Here are a few things to know about this popular game:

1)    Quality Gear Is a Must-Have

Everybody desires to be the best. To win a competition, you have to give your best. Hard work, talent, and determination are great qualities to help you win a game. However, there is a lot more to it than that when it comes to Pickleball. Quality gear is a must-have for any Pickleball player.

Interestingly, you only need a paddle and a perforated plastic ball to play this game. However, you will need an eye for detail to find quality equipment and reach the limit as a great Pickleball player. Choosing the right paddle can be a hassle, but it is never impossible. V&A Pickleball provides a comprehensive buyer’s guide to help you make the best decision regarding your buying needs. Remember that your paddle is going to be your new darling in this field, so you will need to find one that guarantees the best experience.

2)    The History of Pickleball

Pickleball has a fascinating history. No wonder it is such an entertaining game. It was invented in 1965 by Barney Callum, Bill Bell, and Joel Pritchard. The idea was to keep their children entertained while on a summer vacation in Bainbridge Island, USA. The three individuals combined various elements from different sports such as ping-pong balls, wiffle ball, and a badminton court. Little did they know that they were inventing a game that would later be quite popular among a vast majority of the US population. Pickleball later evolved over the subsequent summers before ultimately becoming a popular sport among many adults vacationing in this island. A decade had not even passed before the game had found its way in various regions, even being featured in a tennis magazine. Today, it is a popular sport in many countries around the world.

3)    Pickleball Court Dimensions

The standard Pickleball dimensions are the exact measurements used for the standard badminton court for doubles. The exact dimensions are 20-feet wide and 44-feet long that are used for both doubles and singles. The playing area, on the other hand, ranges from 30-34 feet wide and 60-64 feet long. Besides, the Pickleball lines also need clear markings that are 2 inches wide and marked with a color that contrasts the color of the court.

4)    Scoring

As a Pickleball player, you can only score points when serving and you will continue serving until you commit a fault. Scoring is only possible when the other player fails to return a fair ball. The game is often played to 11 points, and you need to win by two points to win the contest. However, certain tournaments have a relatively higher points total, going up to 15 or 21 points instead of the usual 11.

5)    Pickleball Ball

This may sound funny, but the Pickleball ball has a list of specifications it must meet. The choice of the ball is directly dependent on its ability to meet various requirements regarding size, weight, bounce, hardness, construction, and design.
