The Best Sources where You Can Learn the Ropes of Sports Betting

Sports betting has its share of amateurs and professionals, but if you are an amateur wanting to catch a big break in sports betting, then it pays to listen to the professionals – those who have made it and who have already left their mark. But while there are many amateurs in sports betting, there are also many so-called professionals who are too eager to share their ‘knowledge’ – and when you listen to them, you end up losing more than you wanted in the end. It’s easy to fall into the trap of so-called professional sports bettors, so it’s best to be careful. But the big question now is: who do you listen to for advice? Here’s a look at the best sources where you can learn the ropes of sports betting.

  • Podcasts on sports betting

There are a good number of sports betting podcasts which you can listen to in order to get a few key insights. One very popular podcast when it comes to sports betting, for example, is the podcast of Mike Shackleford, also known as the ‘Wizard of Odds’. The author offers thorough explanations of the different rules governing all the gambling games you can find, and he also explains how you can weigh your winning (or losing) chances. One more tip: a podcast you shouldn’t miss from the ‘Wizard of Odds’ is his ‘Best Strategies’ podcast – a must if you want to learn a few invaluable concepts.

Another podcast you can take advantage of is ESPN’s Behind the Best podcast, which is hosted by no less than Chad Millman. You will certainly be educated about sports betting while listening to this podcast, and it also reveals some of the latest news and updates in the sports betting world.

Yet another podcast which is well worth your while is Betting Dork, which is hosted by the popular Gill Alexander. The podcast has plenty of information if you want to get the latest sports statistics, opinions, and info, and it covers a wide selection of sports as well – from amateur and professional football to baseball, basketball, soccer, and more.

  • Dedicated sports betting forums

Sports betting forums are all over the place, so it’s even more important to choose wisely. The good news is that there are some excellent sports betting forums where you can really learn a lot.

Although you can always read an article or check out a video that explains a particular sports betting concept, it’s also a good idea to seek out a good forum if you want to confirm some information that you’ve heard or if you want to have the chance to ask specific questions. If you want nothing more than to speak and interact with other sports betting players and punters, visit the Sportsbook Review forum. The forum can provide you with answers to some of the most basic questions and some of the most complex concepts in sports betting. In the forum, you can also chat with other punters about upcoming events and games and talk about the development of advanced models for betting which makes use of coding – in other words, you can talk about everything that has to do with sports betting. Of course, you have to be wary of forums, since they also have their share of trolls and big talkers, but there are many other members who are more than willing to share information and help out those who need some advice.

  • Sports betting videos on YouTube

If you’ve had your fill of forums and podcasts, you can always turn to sports betting YouTube videos. One particular channel which you can check out is the JustinSBR channel on YouTube, which features Justin7, who is actually the ghost writer for the famous sports betting site, Pinnacle Pulse. Justin7 (real name: Elihu Feustel) is also a professional gambler, plus he has worked for both bookmakers and betting syndicates. He has also co-written a book on conquering risks, Wall Street, and Vegas, and he specializes in fast and easy to understand instructions regarding the basic concepts in sports betting. While the videos aren’t the most professionally done, they’re very informative and the information can be understood by anyone.  

Another YouTube channel on sports betting which you can well benefit from would be the 42analytics channel. This channel actually features the yearly Sloan Sports Analytics Conference which is held at the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and it gives you the fantastic opportunity to listen to some of the greatest minds in sports analysis – from professional coaches to academics to other professionals in the industry. On this YouTube channel, you can basically learn everything from the most important aspects of UFC fights to the efficiency ratings of players in football to how different teams make use of data in order to build their team rosters.

  • Sports betting blogs

Of course, blogs will always be a great source of information if you want to learn the ropes of sports betting, but there are some blogs which are a lot better than most. One particular blog is the Matter of Stats, which gives you in-depth information on the statistics related to becoming a successful punter. The blog is the vision of Tony Corke, who writes articles that provide you with a deep understanding of the statistics behind football. In fact, Tony Corke is so good at analyzing game statistics that he has already come up with a few models of prediction. Even if you don’t bet on football (specifically Australian football), you can definitely learn a thing or two from this expert.

So, there you have it – the best sources for learning more about sports betting and essentially learning the ropes. If you are serious about being a successful sports betting punter, you have to take the time to learn as much as you can. There’s no going around it – you need knowledge and information. But with more knowledge and information, you can soon reap the real benefits.

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