How to Inspire Kids to Get Outdoors

Back in the 70s and 80s, playing outdoors was the order of the day during weekends and holidays. Kids used to play football, ride bicycles and play hide and seek among other outdoor games. These outdoor games stirred creativity in children. You could see boys making toy cars from cans and bottle tops. Girls on the other hand made their dolls using rugs and other stuff. Technology has now changed the way kids spend their free time. Nowadays most kids spend their free time playing video games or watching TV. This is very unhealthy because it triggers lifestyle related conditions such as diabetes, arthritis and obesity. Besides that, research shows that kids that remain indoors when they are not at school tend to be lazy in performing their duties. If you have been going through a rough time when trying to encourage your kids to get outdoors, here are a few tricks that can help you in your mission.

  1. Allow them to get Dirty

Most kids are reluctant in getting outdoors because they fear being scolded by their parents when they return home with dirty clothes. As a responsible parent or guardian, you should let your kids know that it’s ok for them to get messy when they are outside the house. In fact, you should personally tell them to go out and play whenever you are at home. That way, they will have the confidence to play without worrying about the dirt and other stuff. When your kids get dirty by experimenting, they learn things that are rarely taught in schools.

  1. Buy Toys for Outdoor Use Only

If you want your kids to remain indoors, you will definitely buy them toys and other stuff that can’t be used outdoors. Similarly, if you buy them toys that are designed to be used in spacious environment, they will definitely step out of the house. This is because there is limited space in the house for using such toys. Some of the toys to add into your bucket list include scooters like those that are available at MyProScooter, balls and kites among other things. You can also install swings and a seesaw in your backyard. Once they are outside, you should not interrupt their activities as long as there is no risk of hurting each other with sharp objects.  

  1. Participate in Outdoor Activities Together

As a parent, you have an obligation of setting an example for your children to follow. You should actually ensure that you organize outdoor activities for the whole family once in a while. In fact, you should start involving your kids in such activities while they are still little so that they can adapt much faster. Some of the things to do include scavenger hunts, nature trails and bike trips. You can even ask your kids to invite a few of their friends. If your kids are teenagers, you can give them the privilege of choosing the activities and the venue.

  1. Limit the Use of TV and Video Games

Kids can watch TV or play video games until throughout the day, especially when the game or TV programme is interesting. The only way of ensuring that they don’t sit on the coach the whole day is by limiting the hours that they spend staring at the screen. You can start by allowing them to watch TV or play a video game for at least one hour. Once the specified time has lapsed, you should switch power off from the main switch. This will leave them without an alternative except playing outdoor games.
