5 horse races that everyone should know

Horse racing is an ancient game and a sport that has been around for more than ten thousand years. The history dates back to the Romans, the Greeks and the Egyptians who came up with the sport. It was a sport for the brave and skilled among the royal families. The winners or the bravest were crowned knights and it was a title that carried honor and respect. Today horse racing has been improve, there are set rules and regulations that need to be strictly adhered to and is a sport that can be life changing. The horse riders are known as jockeys and they are given a platform to display their talent and skill with no discrimination. Here are some of the horse races that everyone should know about:

  • Flat racing.This is one of the horse racing sport that involves two or more horses racing on a straight or oval tracks. The horse racing limit is up to twenty horses and the distance will depend on the one set by the organizing committee. The flat race competition is set to determine the fastest horse among all. It will also determine the horse that has the best sprinting ability. It is both a thrill for the fan, the jockey and the horses.
  • Jump racing.It is also known as steeple-chasing. This type of horse racing involves a couple of horses that are rode with jockeys and race them over a set track and display their skills by making them jump over obstacles. The obstacles are standard for all competing horses. This type of race may be timed one racer at a time or could be multiple. The aim is to show the jockeys skills after training the horses.
  • Endurance racing.As the name suggest, it is a race that is prepared to show the strength and stamina of the horse. It is a long course race that may have or may not have a jockey racing the horse over long distance. The horse power is an important aspect in a horse and through this races, we get to learn the strongest breeds of them all. The distance is made extreme in order to get accurate results.
  • Harness racing.This is a type of racing where the horse is attached to a chariot or a sulky and paces on the tracks while carrying the driver. The driver should be very careful as it is very dangerous for both the horse and the driver. In harness racing, speed, power and skill are tested.
  • All whether racing.This is a unique type of racing that involves horses running through day and night on an artificial turf that is well lit. This type of racing is not interrupted by any whether at all. The all whether racing test the ability of the horse to cope up with any whether and if it is affected by any whether change.

There is still a lot to be learnt from the horse racing sport. It is a beautiful sport that has brought a lot of people and enthusiast together all over the world. It has its merits and demerits, be sure to know them all before you hate or criticize.
