Mike Gundy has ‘run-in’ with SI reporter

Mike Gundy may be a players’ coach, but he’s also a fans’ coach.

He’s known for his “I’m a man. I’m 40,” rant. He’s also known for some interesting dance moves following big wins (but don’t overlook Missouri coach Gary Pinkel’s skills).

Now we have another classic Gundy moment.

He was not in a good mood since his Oklahoma State team just lost to Missouri 41-31 in the Cotton Bowl, but he was doing his required post-game presser when things got a little interesting.

When a Sports Illustrated reporter asked him if the Cowboys had prepared for both Missouri quarterbacks, Gundy asked him to identify himself again. When he said he was from Sports Illustrated, Gundy responded with “Sweet. That’s awesome.”

He then added, “Make sure you document this so you have all your research and your background.”

For those of you who don’t remember, there’s a little bad blood between OSU and SI after the magazine published a series of stories in September that had a number of former Oklahoma State players making some serious allegations of wrongdoing in Stillwater, Okla.

(HT: The Big Lead)
