BitPay jumps into bowl sponsorship to encourage mainstream adoption of bitcoins

It was recently announced that BitPay would be taking over sponsorship of the St Petersberg bowl. That’s right, the bowl is trading in burgers and chicken fingers for…well I’m not exactly sure what exactly BitPay is.

Good thing, the Reddit CFB community was able to get an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session with the newest bowl sponsor.

Here is what BitPay had say in response to some questions by the redditors…

Question: Why college football?

Answer: The demographic of college football fans, and sports fans in general.

We think that the game will bring in bitcoiners from all over the world that are excited to see mainstream broadcasting, Bitcoin commercials, and general commentary on it. We also want to appeal to CFB fans and demonstrate that Bitcoin is for everybody.

Question: Why did you decide to name it the Bitcoin bowl instead of Bitpay Bowl?

We’re trying to encourage mainstream Bitcoin adoption. That’s the goal here, not just the branding opportunity.

Question: Will I be able to attend this event 100% in bitcoin?

Our goal is for fans to fund their bowl game experience with bitcoin 100%! We are working with many different organizations to make this a reality, and we’re confident that it will happen for you.

Of course, we know that there will be many fans that want to tote their cash along, and the Bitcoin Bowl will accept that, too.

Question: What would you want to put in the athlete’s gift package?

Bitcoin, of course!

Still deciding on the rest.


Oh yeah and here’s what bitcoin’s are in case you are interested in attending the Beef O….er……Bitcoin St Petersburg Bowl…

About Kevin Causey

Dry humorist, craft beer enthusiast, occasionally unbiased SEC fan, UGA alumni, contributor for The Comeback.
