Arizona Speed: Rich Rod goes on offensive against proposed rule change

Refs will get an ear full from Rodriguez if the "10 Second Rule" passes; Photo: USA Today Sports

Ever since the proposed rule change that would allow for a ten second substitution for defenses, coaches have been balking at the idea. Even Nick Saban, who some have called the architect of the rule, is beginning to distance himself from the rule because of the backlash.

The most creative shot that has been fired has to be from the Arizona Wildcats. Rich Rodriguez has been outspoken in opposition of the rule since it was announced, but now he has upped his game with a video.

The Arizona Wildcats have spliced footage from the movie "Speed" with their own new footage to come up with an intriguing way to hype their program and be outspoken against the new rule.

About Kevin Causey

Dry humorist, craft beer enthusiast, occasionally unbiased SEC fan, UGA alumni, contributor for The Comeback.
