Alabama is adding a waterfall to its locker room

Nick Saban chasing waterfalls?

Alabama is the most dominant football power of late and with success, comes luxury. Alabama has spent $9 million of its national-title-winning revenue on the completed strength and conditioning facility and the Mal M. Moore Athletic Facility. A facility, that apparently spared no expense on its frills and soothing accents. Five-star quarterback commitment David Cornwell did his own intrepid reporting on one of the new additions to the locker room.

This waterfall is just another way that Alabama entices these young student-athletes to attend the university. Saban recruits players under the basis of winning national titles, being part of a prestigious program, getting drafted in the NFL and, obviously, waterfalls. And iPod jacks at each player's locker. This series of calming accents is really only there to relax frightened freshman after an hour of being yelled at by Scott Cochran. (WATERFAAALLS ARE FOR SENIORS ONLY! YEAH YEAH YEAHHHHH)

I imagine that after Saban wins his tenth title at Alabama, he will tear down this building and construct a crimson-colored much larger version of Frank Lloyd Wright's "Falling Water" house in its place. Because, why not? asked Alabama sports information director Jeff Purinton about the Cornwell tweet and he said:

There will be falling water in Alabama's upgraded locker rooms inside the Mal M. Moore Athletic Facility, Purinton said. It will be coming from a system that can flow from a few feet above the hot and cold tubs, which are located near the showers on the new area's first floor.

Saban said that Alabama expects only the highest of quality when it comes to their student-athletes, during an interview last year with

"When people come to Alabama, they expect to see the best," he said. "We should always strive to have the best. As long as we have the resources and we can provide the best for our student-athletes, that's what we should do in all sports."

Cecil Hurt predicted that the waterfall may look like this, Lion King-style.

Basically, if this doesn't make kids commit to Alabama, I don't know what will.

About Jonathan Biles

Jonathan Biles is a staff writer for Awful Announcing.
