Week Ten Gambling Picks

I took a week off because I wanted to pretend I was a Wisconsin fan. This is as generic as it gets, but gambling on college football is so similar to dating a girl.

I’ll use Wisconsin as my quick example…well actually I’m not going to. I am not that generic.

But think about it. College football is like… College.

Eventually someone will fuck you.


Week 8: 3-1

Overall: 16-21-1

I am going 5-0 this week. .500 or bust.

Picks after the jump.

LSU @ Alabama Under of 40.5

One of the biggest regular season games in a long time. Mad Hatter versus Nick Saban.

This will be a battle. Special teams play will probably decide it or something. Can’t see a lot of points being put up. LSU wins, 20-13.

Oregon St. +21 vs Stanford

This is your classic let down game. Stanford with an emotional win last week, Oregon St. kind of sucks. No one is giving them a chance. They won’t win, but the Beavers will cover.

Notre Dame -14 @ Wake Forest.

Hard to find a hotter team in the country right now other than Notre Dame. Brian Kelly is starting get shit straight. Give the points for Touchdown Jesus.

Texas A&M @Oklahoma over of 68

How impressive was Oklahoma last week? They seem really pissed off. A&M can score, Oklahoma is still playing for something in the national championship picture. Should be high scoring.

Michigan -3.5 @ Iowa

Why does no one respect Michigan? Iowa has started slow all season at home. They won’t be able to get back into the game if Michigan gets out front. Denard Robinson, man.

Check out more from Derek at The Pensblog.
