3 Way CBD Could Help Your Recovery After Exercise

Aching after exercise is as familiar as it is frustrating. While even the most enthusiastic athlete can live for the joy of pushing themselves (and their limits), managing the agony of the morning after can derail your working day, make simple tasks almost impossible, and force you to delay your next session of exercise.
So, why does your body hurt so much after you’ve hit the gym and how can CBD help take some of the pain out of your recovery period?

Why do you hurt after exercise?

It may feel like you have done yourself an injury after undertaking strenuous exercise…and you’d be absolutely right. Every time you use your muscles in the gym, the tissue they are made from endures what are called micro tears . The body then senses this light damage and works to repair the site by using amino acids to rebuild the tissue and make it stronger than it was before. These essential amino acids are powered by protein and adding foods like meat, eggs, and nuts can help you heal quicker and quickly build muscle-mass; something that was famously illustrated by ‘Game of Thrones’ star Hafþór Björnsson’s punishing exercise routine and demanding diet .
While having a few aches and pains after exercise is perfectly normal, regular gymgoers and athletes know their body well enough to understand when they have simply pushed themselves too far. Poor form or overexertion can easily lead to strains, sprains, or even permanent injury. This makes taking painkillers or just ‘pushing through’ extremely hazardous to your health and you should always listen to your body if you are in discomfort and consult a doctor if you begin to suffer continuous injury.

How can CBD help?

When it comes to safely managing the pain , studies have repeatedly indicated that CBD can provide genuine benefit to athletes when taken for to pain relief .
This can help naturally dull aches and pains that follow exercise but not to the degree that you run the risk of over-exerting or re-injuring yourself. Being able to manage your pain in this way can not only allow you to continue your regular exercise routine but potentially help you sleep better , allowing your body to recover naturally without the need for additional supplements.
In addition to a capacity to manage pain, CBD has been shown to potentially possess helpful anti-inflammatory properties ; making it great for treating a twisted ankle or injury after an eventful game of weekend football. Obviously CBD is no substitute for professional advice and care, and it is essential that you follow your doctor’s orders when it comes to using it and making sure that it does not conflict with any forms of treatment or medication that you are currently taking says CBD Central . However, if you suffer from joint conditions such as https://www.arthritis.org/living-with-arthritis/treatments/natural/supplements-herbs/cannabidiol-oil.php , or tendinitis, this could hugely help your ability to exercise without having to resort to painkillers or limiting the length of your sessions.
