5 Facts you may not know about Sports Injuries and Addiction

Injuries are inevitable when playing sports. Usually, athletes injure themselves where it can hurt the most. The pain can subside immediately or after a short period whereas some injuries may even go on for months- if not years.

No athlete wants to hear that he or she will not be in the field for some time. That can bring in a lot of adverse pressure and could lead the player into addiction while trying to get back at his or her feet.

It is crucial as a player that you understand that addiction while nursing an injury is a possible occurrence. Here are five facts you should know about sports injuries and addiction.

  1. Painkillers do not offer a long-term solution

Most of us think that painkillers (opioids) eliminate pain from the body. In the real sense, they act as diversions.

When you consume a painkiller, it helps the brain release positive feelings; thus, the pain fades. Nonetheless, regardless of how effective they seem to be, they do not offer a long-term solution. Therefore, there is a probability that you could fall into an addiction and make the injury worse.

  1. Injuries need time to heal

Athletes are human beings, just like anybody else. Regardless of their lifestyle, there is a probability of falling into an addiction if they use the wrong drugs.

Pressure from the coaches, fans, and relatives could also have an impact on the player’s patience in letting the injury heal completely. Because of this, most players end up using painkillers to deal with the pain to get back on the field. Normally, this eliminates the chance of complete healing, and increase the possibility for re-injury.

  1. Abuse of painkillers can lead to heroin addiction

As your dependence to painkillers increases, there is a high chance that it could lead to heroin abuse after the treatment is over.

Various studies suggest that most players end up using heroin to fill up the urge created by the painkillers you consumed previously during recovery. By the way, researchers also conclude that it could also create other addictions such as alcohol abuse.

  1. Doctors can sometimes lead us addiction

Pressure, in this case, can be dangerous because it could also affect the decision your doctor makes when treating your pain.

The above statement does not mean that we should not trust our doctors. However, it is good that you question their choice. Doctors should also be careful to analyze his or her patient’s condition before offering any drug to them.

If the injury requires no or less mitigation from drugs, then he or she should not prescribe any drug to the athlete.

  1. Rehab is the safest way of dealing with injuries

Addiction does not discriminate. You can become a victim, especially after a long period of going through a variety of medication.

If you find yourself here, then rehab would be a good option for any athlete. You will be able to bounce back to your usual self. A rehab facility such as Ambrosiatc.com will keep a close eye on you to ensure that you recover from an injury in the safest way possible.


An athlete should understand that injuries are part of life. It should not open doors for any form of addiction, as it can be destructive to your career.

Additionally, doctors should also be watchful, especially when administering drugs to teens and children. The consequences can be expensive, especially if they become addicts.
