Social Media Is Fantastic For Fans

Think that sports and social media are two very divergent fields? Well, you’d be both right and wrong. At first glance, they certainly are very different disciplines. If we think it through though, we’ll find that they complement each other pretty well.

And, let’s be honest here, there is no denying that social media has had a huge impact on the sporting world. You can learn more about that impact by checking out the infographic originally published by BettingSites that we reposted further down the page.

For now though, think back 30 years to a time before there was Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. If you wanted to learn more about a sports star, you’d have to hope that someone interviewed them.

Alternatively, you would need to go in and watch them play live and hope for a chance to get close enough for an autograph. Those opportunities were rare though, so you might instead have tried writing them a letter. (Yes, snail mail.)

Then The Era of Social Media Dawned

Enter the era of social media. Now all you need to do to keep up with the latest info on your favorite player is to start following her on social media with their press release distribution. You’ll get to see the updates she makes, photos she posts, highlights from games she played in, press releases and much more!

And best of all, if you want to tell her something, all you need to do is to post on her wall or comment on one of her posts. So, if you thought that she was short-changed by the ref, you get to commiserate with her.

On the other hand, if you’re annoyed that she fumbled an easy play, you have an avenue to tell her about that as well.

But it’s not just that you get to communicate with your favorite star, you also get to communicate with other fans as well.

Overall, social media can be a boon for sports fans who want to know every single detail about their idols’ lives. Show them that you’re their biggest fan by giving them a lot of love online, and voraciously read each and every post that they make.
