Envy-inducing Athletes and Their Ridiculously Nice Homes

Our top athletes can really inspire a lot of envy, can’t they? …OK, OK, it’s not the most virtuous thing to admit to, but the fact is that it’s very hard to look at the lives that our best players lead and not feel a little envious….

It’s not just the fact that they’re amazing sportsmen and women with a ridiculous ability with a ball, a racket or whatever it might be…. Athletic prowess is one thing, but the lifestyle that it affords is quite another. These guys are living the dream- doing what they love on a daily basis and getting paid phenomenal sums to do it. (Not that such extreme remuneration doesn’t come with its problems!)

It’s not that they don’t work hard, of course they do; indeed one of the great illusions in pro sport is that it all comes incredibly easily to these gifted individuals. It’s kind of an irony that the harder someone trains the easier the activity begins to look, until you have someone who puts hours and hours in each and every week making the shot look like a piece of cake. It’s true of other activities too- the musician who makes that guitar solo look effortless or the writer who makes that smooth, readable article look like child’s play (…we jest!).

One of the worst envy-triggers has to be the houses of the pros. Shaquille O’Neil for example has a palace of a home in Florida with 11 bedrooms and of course an indoor basketball court. The value of this place is around the $8 million mark and as far as these mansions go, that’s just getting warmed up….

Lebron James’s home in California comes closer to the $21 million mark. It’s hard to envisage such an abode, but if you picture your dream house and treble everything about it you might get close. You see it’s not just the value but the architecture, the furniture, even the beds that create envy.

Sure it’s true that many of these athletes don’t have what you might call refined palates when it comes to interior design as often the centre of their mood board for the design of every room is simple a massive diamond. In other words it’s all about the bling!

Having said this, something you will find that all these super athletes have in common is great know-how when it comes to the bedroom. …No, not in that way! These guys definitely know how to create bedrooms that are conducive to a great night’s sleep, which is no surprise when you consider how important proper rest is to an athlete. The good news is that even if you can’t get a home like a baller, you can have a bed like one with an online store like Bedstar. The next day bed delivery option means that you can have the dream bed in next to no time.

If you think you can stand it, check out this list of outrageous mansions owned by modern sports legends. Oh and if you come away fuming that you’re not living like that, just don’t say we didn’t warn you…!
