HUNH: Toughest Schedules, Unions, Reunions and rasslin

It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for the latest edition of the “Hurry Up No Huddle” as we check out some of the biggest stories, best content (and sometimes worst), videos and opinions.

Last week, we touched on Kain Colter and his big win in attempting to bring unionization to the world of college football. This week John Infante looks at how the NCAA could make cut backs to avoid unionization [story link].

Who has college football’s toughest schedule for the upcoming season? Arkansas [story link]. Of course it helps when you are the worst team in your half of the conference. Not being Alabama, Auburn, LSU or Texas A&M means you are going to have to play them and they get to play you (which weakens their strength of schedule).

CBS Sports chimes in with the feel good piece of the week featuring Baylor’s Antwan Goodley and his reunion with his father [story link]

Snoop Dogg’s, or is it Snoop Lion (I simply can’t keep up), son has cut his list of schools down to five. Is your school in the mix? [story link]

Bo Jackson is looking for “public humiliation” for the thieves who stole $16,000 worth of Auburn football memorabilia [story link].

What does a college basketball player do when he runs out of eligibility? He joins spring practice for the football team [story link].

We miss college football. Maybe this video will get you fired up….

Wrestlemania is this weekend. Will the YES! Movement take Daniel Bryan to the Championship? Will CM Punk make his return? Wait, oh yeah, this is a college football website. Well….our buddy Kyle Kensing has a new site called The College Football Huddle. Go ahead and bookmark it now or add it to your feedly. I’ll wait…..

How do I tie college football and wrestling together? Kyle does it for us as he takes a look at “how the Rose Bowl saved Wrestlemania” [story link].

Last week we showed you a 300 lb QB in action, this week you will have to settle for Bill Murray in PBR pants. I know it has nothing to do with college football but it’s glorious.

Bill Murray

Beer of the Week? No it’s not PBR. Last week, we headed over to Scotland for our pick. This week, I’m in familiar territory again with a Georgia brewery that just celebrated it’s 17th Anniversary, Sweetwater. In honor of that anniversary, Sweetwater brewed a kick ass Saison that tipped the scales at 9% abv. Grab a 22 oz bomber if it’s in your area.

Finally, we leave you with one final thought as we visit The College Football Huddle for the second time (and I know that can be considered ironic since we are running a no huddle here). What if we moved the FCS Season to spring? [story link]

About Kevin Causey

Dry humorist, craft beer enthusiast, occasionally unbiased SEC fan, UGA alumni, contributor for The Comeback.
