The best of Kliff Kingsbury’s Reddit AMA

Reddit is doing it’s best to keep college football in the minds of the fans during March Madness. Last week, it was Herb Hand taking part in a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) and this week it’s Texas Tech head coach Kliff Kingsbury who stepped up to the keyboard to answer the questions. You can read Kingsbury’s entire AMA here, but here are some of the more interesting questions and answers from the session…

Question: What are your thoughts on the Thanksgiving game with Texas?

Coach Kliff Kingsbury I really enjoyed being a part of that game. I think in-state Thanksgiving night games are great for the state of Texas, and I hope they continue.


Question: What was your favorite play to execute while you were a quarterback? Also what the most upset/excited you’ve ever been at Johnny for improvising during a play you called?

Coach Kliff Kingsbury I always liked throwing four verticals. I was never really upset with Johnny for improvising, he’s the best I’ve ever seen at it and most of the time it works out for him! Everything he does on the field is fun to watch.


Question: What are the most important traits in a Quarterback?

Coach Kliff Kingsbury:

1.Must be a winner.

2. Has to be able to get out of a bad play either mentally by checking out or physically by extending the play.

3. Accuracy.


Question: What’s your take on James Franklin: son of a bitch or just an asshole?

Coach Kliff Kingsbury hahaha


Question: What’s your favorite memory in Aggieland? Also how would you gameplan against Johnny?

Coach Kliff Kingsbury The victory parade we had after returning from Alabama was epic. To see the reaction of the fans to our players when they stepped off the bus is something I’ll never forget. I don’t know how you would gameplan against JF, he’s pretty much indefensible because of his ability to extend plays.


Question: Who was the best opposing QB you faced in college?

Coach Kliff Kingsbury I’m hoping we will be most improved on turnover margin as a team. We were awful last year at protecting the ball and getting takeaways. My senior year we played against Eli Manning, Seneca Wallace, and Phillip Rivers. They were all three incredible players.


Question: Did you know beforehand that you were going to be a Jeopardy question?

Coach Kliff Kingsbury: I did. They had to ask permission apparently.


Question: Why should my girlfriend leave me for you?

Coach Kliff Kingsbury I think she should aim for Coach Holgorsen.


Question: So you gonna be on the next season of The Bachelor or not?

Coach Kliff Kingsbury I would say no at this point unless I could be guaranteed to have a hand in the selection process.

About Kevin Causey

Dry humorist, craft beer enthusiast, occasionally unbiased SEC fan, UGA alumni, contributor for The Comeback.
