Nick Saban wants to sell cars?

Is Saban clapping for his team or is he daydreaming about selling his first car?; Photo: USA Today Sports

What's next for a college football head coach that has been named AP National Coach of the Year twice and has won four National Championships?  "I always wanted to be a car dealer" is probably not what you were expecting to hear but apparently that's Nick Saban's dream job.

I guess it shouldn't come as that much of a surprise as college coaches spend a great deal of their time selling. On the recruiting trail, coaches are constantly selling high school kids on why they should come to their school and how they will be used. They sell their players on their vision of the program to get them to buy into the team concept. They sell the fanbase on the rubber chicken circuit and they sell the media to publish positive stories about their program.

I guess in the end, it makes sense. My only question is if you would buy a car from this guy…

Photo: USA Today Sports

About Kevin Causey

Dry humorist, craft beer enthusiast, occasionally unbiased SEC fan, UGA alumni, contributor for The Comeback.
