Finebaum’s Got A Book: What would you title it?

With Paul Finebaum’s radio show off the air for a solid two months now, thousands tens of college football fans across the country have wondered how the man so many across the South know simply as “PAWWWWWWWWWWWWL” has spent all his newfound free time.

The answer came on Tuesday with news that Finebaum will apparently release a book based on his life and radio show, according to

Good times! Well, unless you’re an Auburn fan of course.

The controversial radio host will co-write the book with long-time friend and fellow University of Tennessee alum Gene Wojciechowski of, which will be published by HarperCollins and is set for an August 2014 release.

And oh and with his radio show off the air for at least another month, to anyone who’s worried Finebaum is hard-pressed no need to worry about that. HarperCollins is giving Finebaum a $500,000 advance on the book.

As for the tone of the book, well, to anyone who thinks old PAWWWWWWWWWL is going to tone down that controversial voice of his, well, think again

Here is how Finebaum described the project to

"Primarily, it's about the culture of the show and how the culture of the show interacts with the SEC," Finebaum told "But it does quickly go through my career and how we got to this point.

"There will be commentary on why the SEC is better than everyone else," Finebaum added. "It will certainly talk about the dominance of not only Alabama, but the conference. The (radio) show will be woven in and out of the book, featuring little vignettes on the callers."

What, were you expecting something soft and mushy?

Regardless, this book deal definitely appears to have the green light, although with a full 18 months before it hits shelves, it does seem as though there are still a lot of details to iron out.

One seems to be a title for this soon-to-be literary classic.

Now normally here at Crystal Ball Run we’d just speculate ourselves amongst what the title might be, but with the off-season in full-swing we decided to have a little fun….

…which is why we decided to open up the floor to our followers on Twitter and ask you guys what you’d name the book if you were an exec at HarperCollins.

We used the hashtag #FinebaumMemoirTitles and here are some of our best responses:

Via (CBR co-managing editor) @BlatantHomerism: "50/50:" the danny and paul story #FinebaumMemoirTitles

Via @KonwayTweety: "50 Shades of Crimson" #FinebaumMemoirTitles

Via @Mengus22: Hang Up and Listen #FinebaumMemoirTitles

Via (CBR staff writer) @KevinOnCFB: A Man, A Voice, A ROLL DAMN TIDE PAAAWWWWLLL #FinebaumMemoirTitles

Via @Ryan_Wooden: A Rich Man's Clay Travis

As always, you’re encouraged to share your best ideas in the comments section below, or via Crystal Ball Run’s Twitter feed @CrystalBallRun.

About Aaron Torres

Aaron Torres works for Fox Sports, and was previously a best-selling author of the book 'The Unlikeliest Champion.' He currently uses Aaron Torres Sports to occasionally weigh-in on the biggest stories from around sports. He has previously done work for such outlets as Sports Illustrated, SB Nation and Slam Magazine.
