A college football inauguration

President Barack Obama was sent through the inauguration promenade in the nation's capital Monday to officially kick off his second term in office. While this was going on it got us wondering who would be sworn in as President of College Football Nation, if such an utopia were to actually exist. We took the question to Twitter to see who you folks had in mind. Here is what you had to say…

One of college football's most well known columnists. Mr. College Football himself. The man would certainly have a way with words, no question about that.

Rex Burkhead, Nebraska running back aiming for the NFL. OK, not really sure what to say about this one other than he would certainly be a tough President to take down. But he would also be prone to injury so that's probably not a great suggestion.

There would be no secrets left uncovered under McMurphy's watch. "Sources" would have all of the inside info and be able to relay the information to the constituents with no problems.

In as much reality as we can possibly encounter in this little exercise it does appear there are two clear-cut choices.

Take your pick here. Do you prefer life under a dictatorship under a leader who accepts nothing less than the best and is always on the attack forming plans for the next great dynasty? Or do you prefer a more politician like man with a firm grasp on the politics of the sport? Both Saban and Osborne would seem to have their advantages and quite honestly, this would make for an interesting campaign if each were in fact running against each other for our fictional office.

Did we miss anyone? Feel free to continue adding your suggestions in the comment section below.


Kevin McGuire is the national college football writer for Examiner.com and host of the No 2-Minute Warning podcast.

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About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to NBCSports.com. Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.
