Sugar Bowl: Michigan Finds A Way To Win

Junior HemingwayWe’ve all watched those games where, if it wasn’t for the scoreboard we’d automatically all know who was winning and assume it was by a fair amount. Then when you do see the score your shocked to have your world basically flipped upside down because the total opposite is true.

That was last night’s Allstate Sugar Bowl for this blogger. A game that saw the Hokies put up some 377 total yards, limit Denard Robinson and Michigan’s offense to just 184 yards; and then lose the game. It is not easily explained. It was even more difficult to watch, but here’s the game in a nutshell before we get to what this all means.

The Hokies dominated on offense moving the ball through the air, Logan Thomas looked crisp and the offensive line was giving him time to make plays both laterally and down the field. However, three early trips to the Michigan territory saw Frank Beamer’s team come away with six points on two made field goals and a failed fourth down conversion.

Dominating a team on both sides of the ball and the maroon and orange only has six points.

Six points

In a game like this, that six points is meaningless. They don’t matter nearly enough to make anyone feel comfortable. The Wolverines, after being pounded on, bottled up and frustrated for the bulk of the first half, were merely a missed tackle or two away from being up by one point. That one play was exactly what they got as Denard Robinson stepped out of a tackle, floated one to Junior Hemingway that was missed by a Hokie defender and the senior receiver jogged into the endzone; Michigan up 7-6.


Throw in a fumble on the ensuing kickoff return, a ridiculously horrible looking fake field goal; which would not be the worst looking play of this game, and a made field goal and you have Michigan taking a 10-6 lead into halftime.

Then the zaniness continues as Michigan gets a pass intereference called on Jayron Hosley after a VPI “would be interception” to extend the Wolverines’ drive. Denard Robinson caps it off with his best throw of the game, a laser to the back of the end zone where Junior Hemingway makes an outstanding catch, climbing the ladder and getting his foot down to put six up on the board for the Maize and Blue.

Down 17-6 the Hokies decide to come alive, again. Throwing the ball, being effective in spots running the ball. The third Justin Myer field goal goes in, then the Hokies get their first touchdown out of Logan Thomas on the ground just plays after Thomas converts a 4th and 11 AND Beamer’s guys get a pass interference to extend the drive.

Two point conversion is good and we’ve got a ball game folks. 17-17.

Frank Beamer gets cute and tries a fake punt, rugby punt awful, terrible hybrid fake but not fake punt with punter Danny Coale. All that ends up happening is the play is one of the worst sequences of football I’ve ever seen and Coale fumbles the ball at the Hokie 45, a mere 20-25 yards from field goal range. Total fail. Punt the ball away, make Michigan go the length of the field, something they have not done all game. Don’t be cute.

Michigan gets the field goal, Hokies get the ball back and travel down the field getting into the red zone but a false start stops their touchdown push and we get overtime on the strength of Justin Myers fourth field goal of the day.

In overtime the story is simple; the third string kicker for Virginia Tech pushes his kick right after the Hokies have a tough Danny Coale endzone play overturned. Michigan plays for the field goal and Brendan Gibbons nails the 37 yarder that Myer missed.

Tough loss for the Hokies. Hell of a way to end the season if you’re Michigan but here is where the game was fun; what all of this means for each team.

Denard Robinson was less than stellar completing just 10 passes and without his ability to run around the junior was remarkably pedestrian for the bulk of the game. On the other hand Logan Thomas was outstanding for the most part going 19 for 28, looking comfortable in the pocket and once he got moving he was tough to stop. If you’re Michigan you have to just ride it out with Robinson. He appears to have peaked and entering his last year we’ll see games like Michigan State and we’ll see games like Notre Dame, enjoy the ride.

With Logan Thomas the Hokies appear to be in good hands at the quarterback position but on offense they will absorb massive losses along the offensive line, at the wide receiver position and quite possibly at running back. Thomas in year two should be better but because of the transition it will be interesting to see what becomes of the 6’6″ 250 tight end turned quarterback.

Michigan’s defense had issues in the back end, looked lost in coverage much of the night but they showed up against the run and were stout in the red zone. Those are positives to build on if you’re Greg Mattison. Losing Mike Martin-types will hurt out of the front seven but Michigan fans should be excited as the talent that Brady Hoke is recruiting should fill in nicely as they look to get playmakers on to the defensive side.

Hokies’ defense is Bud Foster’s baby, even at their “worst” in th elast decase they’re still better than most folks out there. This defense played well enough to win last night and next year, thanks to guys like Antone Exum, Kyle Fuller and Nick Dew this unit should be back strong.

After looking at both sides the biggest take away from this game was the level of play. Michigan is not quite there but they did find a way to win. They’re far from elite at the moment but they are on the right track towards being an actual good team. This was not the Wolverines who went out and got outcoached and outhit to the tune of a 52-14 loss to Mississippi State. They have some good pieces and next year they’re a team that will start the season ranked.

For VPI this loss didn’t look like their other, more recent losses on the out of conference front. They weren’t outclassed from hump the way they were against Stanford. They didn’t get bullied into submission as was the case against Alabama. The Hokies didn’t even seem to lose to a better team the way they were against Boise State. No this was a game where Virginia Tech on offense and defense seemed to be the better team but a busted play on defense and some awful special teams play cost them the game.

At some point it is okay to stop calling the Hokies and Frank Beamer special teams aces, right? After the roughing the punter and the awful fake punt we saw last night, this seems as good a time as any.
