NCAA to Ohio State: No Postseason Play, One Year!

Perhaps Ohio State should have followed in the foot steps of Miami. While the Hurricanes did their own dirty work in skipping out on postseason play this year, Ohio State walked up to the soup bar in their fashion and confidently asked for postseason play. The NCAA responded with “No postseason for you, one year!”

The news comes as a bit of a surprise, but the NCAA will ban Ohio State from postseason for one year, the 2012 season, according to a story by The Columbus Dispatch. This means there will be no bowl game for the Buckeyes in Urban Meyer’s first season on the job and they will be eliminated form the running for the Big Ten championship game, much like USC was ruled out of the running during their postseason ban this season in the Pac 12. On, Wisconsin!

As we know by now, the Buckeyes were labeled a repeat violator that failed to monitor the football program properly. The official details of the ruling will be confirmed this afternoon but The Dispatch reports the following will happen with Ohio Satte:

  • Four additional football scholarships will be removed over the next three seasons. This is in addition to the previously stripped five scholarships offered by Ohio State
  • An extra year of probation on top of Ohio State’s self-imposed two-year probation period through the 2013 season

The initial reaction seems to be that Ohio State approached their NCAA issues with a bit of egotism leading the way, and perhaps accepting a bowl bid this season played a part in the NCAA’s decision making. We may never know the full truth to that notion, although it certainly comes off that way in many regards. That really is a shame for Ohio State’s players, because next season looked like ti could be a pretty decent year for them. With a young quarterback in Braxton Miller and the guidance of Urban Meyer, many felt that Ohio State would quickly climb back to the top of the Big Ten pack after a .500 season this year amid turmoil.

We await official word from the Buckeyes and we will surely have more on this situation as it develops throughout the day.

About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.
