The National Rugby League is undoubtedly one of the most popular sporting leagues in Australia. According to research conducted in March 2020, around 6 million people watched NRL on TV in the year 2019, which is only slightly behind AFL in terms of spectatorship. 

The NRL grand final at Sydney Olympic Park normally attracts a huge audience every year (82,922 people in 2019). The popularity of the league is not limited to spectatorship alone. Fans and sports enthusiasts all around Australia ─ both amateurs and experts ─ try their hands at NRL tipping competitions with friends & families. The advantage of sports tipping is that it is not very demanding. Even beginners can join the competition without worrying about too many external/internal factors that govern the outcome of a game.

How to play?

Tipping competitions are pretty straightforward. Though the competition can take several forms depending on the platform hosting the contest, the basic rule is the same everywhere. The participant will have to predict the winners of a week’s games and  the participant with the highest successful selection rate for that week will win the contest and receive the prize. 

A bigger prize awaits the highest placed participant at the end of the season. The best thing about tipping competition is that participants do not need to pay anything to join the competition. All it takes is choosing a nickname and going for your favorite team! 

Keep in mind that you cannot rule out the chances of a tie in sports tipping competitions. If two participants achieve the feat in a week, the person with the lowest margin prediction is considered the winner.

How to join the contest?

Make sure that you register for the contest on a reliable platform that supports customer interaction. Different platforms work differently, and the rules may also vary from one to the other. 

We recommend you to go for trustworthy sites where participants can register, predict the margin and wait for the results without any fuss.

Some Important Terms in NRL Tipping Competitions

Pick/Tip: The team that you choose for a particular game. If you pick a winner, your pick will be called a correct pick, and an incorrect choice is termed as an incorrect pick.

Home team: The team that is playing at their home stadium is called the home team.

Away team: the team that is playing at an away stadium is called the away team.

Margin: It is an important term in footy tipping. For each game, the entrant is supposed to choose a margin. In other words, the entrant will predict an amount by which the chosen team would win. It should be a whole number.

Tie-breaker: The term used to denote a situation in which two participants finish the round with the same score. As mentioned above, such a situation is followed by choosing the person with the lowest margin prediction as the winner.

Fixture: Also known as schedule, the fixture is nothing but the league’s listing/ordering of games. There are mainly two different types of fixtures: weekly fixtures and season fixtures. While participating in a tipping contest, one should be aware of whether they need to pick the week’s winners (weekly fixtures) or the season (season fixtures).

Venue: The place/stadium in which the sporting event is being held.

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